Offa’s Dyke from Sedbury Cliffs (Chepstow) to Trefynwy / Monmouth
By Ian Parri
on December 9, 2020 No ratings yet.
Posted in Official Offa's Dyke Route
Offa’s Dyke from Sedbury Cliffs (Chepstow) to Trefynwy / Monmouth
Further Details
Route Summary:
Distance: 30.36 km
Ascent: 941 m
Time: 8 hours
Timings are approximate and depend on the individual. Calculate the time using Naismith’s Rule and factor in your own pace.
Start and Finish: Sedbury Cliffs (Chepstow) to Trefynwy / Monmouth
Plenty of facilities are available at Chepstow and Monmouth either end. Thirsty walkers can make a short detour towards the The Anchor Inn, The Royal George and The Rose & Crown at Tintern which also has a number of tearooms, or the Brockweir Country Inn at Brockweir, or The Bell Inn at Lower Redbrook.
Offa’s Dyke from Sedbury Cliffs (Chepstow) to Trefynwy / Monmouth Ordnance Survey Map and GPX File Download
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Offa’s Dyke from Sedbury Cliffs (Chepstow) to Trefynwy / Monmouth
The first section of Offa’s Dyke Trail starts at Sedbury Cliffs near Chepstow and ends at Trefynwy / Monmouth.
Offa’s Dyke from Sedbury Cliffs (Chepstow) to Trefynwy / Monmouth Section Description
Chepstow and Sedbury Cliffs
AN easy warm-up to start a glorious adventure along the intriguing border country, crossing from England into Wales amid some stunning scenery and pretty towns and villages.
OFFA’S Dyke Path starts just shy of the border in the Forest of Dean village of Sedbury, within sight of the original Severn Bridge motorway crossing, a mere three-minute bus journey from Chepstow railway station. A stroll of a few hundred metres takes you to the famous Sedbury Cliffs and the stone marker denoting the Path’s starting point.
A further 700 metres’ walk on an often wet footpath takes you to the famous Fossil Beach beneath the cliffs, a Site of Special Scientific Interest where long-fossilised remains of marine organisms such as ammonites, brachiopods and even Triassic sharks’ teeth have been found over the years.
The well-marked Offa’s Dyke Path sets off northwards high above the eastern bank of the River Wye, which drains into the estuary here through wide mudbanks that offers a habitat to a multitude of wildlife.
Having crossed the A48 road, the path offers views over to Chepstow Castle, before running along the imposing limestone buttresses at Wintour’s Leap, a noted rock-climbing location, nature reserve and habitat to peregrine falcons.
Soon one encounters the Dyke itself for the first time. Considering its astounding old age, believed to have been erected some 1,300 years ago, its ditch and bank are in remarkably well-delineated.
Wye Valley and Monmouth/Trefnynwy
Glimpses can be caught of the majestic ruins of Tintern Abbey over the border in Wales, founded in 1131 by Cistercian monks but abandoned in 1535.
The spectacular Pulpit Rock stack protruding from the cliff face announces that the quaint village of Brockweir lies up ahead, one of few settlements on this early part of the trail. Originally named Pwll Brochfael, the hulls of sea-going vessels were once constructed here to be floated down river to Chepstow or Bristol to be fitted out. The 19th century Moravian church is worth a visit for its Art Nouveau windows and joinery, while you might rest your weary feet in the village shop and café, or the Brockweir Inn should you find it open. Buses run regularly from Brockweir Bridge to Monmouth.
12km further on the village of Redbrook shares a similar heritage, and once boasted three breweries and 13 inns. Just two of those inns survive, with the Boat Inn being on the Welsh bank over an old railway viaduct in the suburb of Penallt, with the Bell Inn ensconced on the English side. The village also has its general store, and has regular bus links to Monmouth.
It’s 6.5km from here to Monmouth, passing the distinctive National Trust owned Kymin Naval Temple, a must-see for those with a penchant for naval history. The town of Monmouth is well worth spending time in, not least to appreciate its spectacular Monnow Bridge and gatehouse, and offers plenty of food, drink and accommodation options. You’ll also find camping facilities right in the centre of town at the Monnow Bridge Caravan Site. And in the Blake Theatre and Savoy Theatre, one of Wales’ oldest working theatres, you could end a tiring day being entertained in sumptuous comfort.
Ian Parri
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