Offa’s Dyke from Brompton Crossroads to Buttington Bridge
By Ian Parri
on December 9, 2020 No ratings yet.
Posted in Official Offa's Dyke Route
Offa’s Dyke from Brompton Crossroads to Buttington Bridge
Further Details
Route Summary:
AN opportunity for a relaxed if long day’s walking through pleasant forestry and farmland, over largely flat terrain, with only some ascents and descents.
Distance: 19.01 km
Ascent: 471 m
Time: 4 hours 40 min
Timings are approximate and depend on the individual. Calculate the time using Naismith’s Rule and factor in your own pace.
Start and Finish: Brompton Crossroads to Buttington Bridge
Ffordun/Forden is near the path, where the Cock Hotel features an Indian restaurant, as well as the Square and Compass that involves a substantial further walk. There’s a pub – the Green Dragon – at Buttington, or more facilities in nearby Y Trallwng/Welshpool, including regular bus and train connections.
Offa’s Dyke from Brompton Crossroads to Buttington Bridge Ordnance Survey Map and GPX File Download
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Offa’s Dyke from Brompton Crossroads to Buttington Bridge
The seventh section of Offa’s Dyke from Brompton Crossroads to Buttington Bridge
Into Montgomery
THE beginning of this section as you continue northwards is not the most inspiring part of the Path, so if you’re looking for something more than just the walking the detour of just over a kilometre into the town of Trefaldwyn/Montgomery through Lymore Park would be well worth your while.
The Park is owned by the Earl of Powis, and is the home of Montgomery Cricket Club. Look out for three 17th century ornamental lakes. The Norman castle and the fascinating Old Bell Museum in town are worth a visit, as is the quaint Georgian town square, and you should find all your needs catered for. Bunners hardware store sells virtually everything, and is worth seeing as a reminder of how every town used to have a shop like it.
Back on the Path another option for a stopping-off point is the village of Ffordun/Forden, where you could pop into the Square and Compass pub for a refresher, or the nearby Cock Hotel, which also features an Indian restaurant.
Beacon Hill
Soon you’ll encounter a disused 70m-long dam and a weed-filled pool known as Offa’s Pool. The dam is a Grade II listed structure, built in the 1850s as a reservoir to drive turbines at the nearby Leighton estate.
One of the section’s few ascents takes you to the early Iron Age hill fort of Caer Digoll or Beacon Hill, on the summit of Cefn Digoll, owned by the Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust. It is mentioned in the 9th century poetic saga of Canu Llywarch Hen, but in reality it is getting on for a couple of thousand years older than that. A picnic table on the southern flanks offers an opportunity to enjoy your packed lunch, not to mention panoramic views.
Buttington soon hoves into view as you make your way over the River Severn – Afon Hafren in Welsh – at Buttington Bridge. This is the longest river in Britain at 354km, from its source in the Pumlumon/Plynlimon mountains to the west to its estuary in the Bristol Channel.
It’s a short walk from here to Y Trallwng/Welshpool, which offers every conceivable facility as well as regular bus and train connections. Otherwise carry on for the 300m or so into Buttington itself, where you’ll find the Montgomery Canal passing through the village. The towpath offers a very pleasant alternative walking route into Y Trallwng/Welshpool.
Buttington was the site of an infamous 9th century battle between a combined Welsh and Mercian army and Danish invaders from Essex. Nowadays it is much more peaceful, and you can put your feet up at the 17th century Green Dragon pub, which also offers camping facilities.
Ian Parri
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